Nokkel app

Introducing the new Nokkel app

31 January 2023
Nokkel Version 5

We are thrilled to announce version 5.0 of Nokkel - a major new release of our mobile app, which is designed to empower homeowners, buyers, and sellers with the information they need to make informed decisions about properties.

Our app has been updated with streamlined search functionality for properties by adding more information, as well as new map views that make it easier and quicker to find the property you are looking for. We've also introduced a new, lighter visual identity that makes it easier to navigate and find the information you need.

Search improvements

One of the biggest enhancements in this release is the improvement of the way you search for properties. This is a critical component for users, so they can find the information they want, fast. When you launch the app, you’ll be automatically shown properties around you, if you’ve shared location access. The addition of Google Maps gives you the option to choose between 2 map views - default and hybrid, making it easier to locate a specific property and explore its surroundings. This is particularly useful for buyers who are looking for properties on a specific street, neighbourhood or area.

Discover more with updated map pins and property preview cards to highlight the properties that are for sale and so much more. Can you spot the differences?

Better search functionality

An interface made for effortless browsing

Our visual language is now lighter and better aligned with our audience’s expectations.

“​​We’ve opted for a fresher visual language accessible to everyone, willing to help people find the property of their dreams. You can expect a more dynamic and friendly interface on Nokkel version 5.’ Danilo La Russa, Product Designer.

Better search on Nokkel

Nokkel version 5 marks a major step in our mission to democratise the residential property market and empower people to gain a more accurate understanding of their current property, or potential dream home or property.

We believe that this new release will help homeowners, buyers and sellers make informed decisions about properties. We encourage you to download the app and start exploring!

More information

We’ve improved the app with wider information on the property and its surrounding areas. You can find energy certificates (EPC), parking options and more information on nearby services, such as transport links and green spaces.

Property information

Search for properties on the app whether they’re on the market, or off. You’ll find a wealth of information to provide you with a well-rounded view of every residential property in the UK. Easily identify desirable home attributes, but also any potential issues. In being completely transparent on any problems, bias is removed from the process as issues which might not be highlighted by owners or selling agents become known.

A note from our founder

“Nokkel has taken this considered step amid persistent economic uncertainty and a volatile UK property market. Many plans for buying and selling of property have been disrupted in the last few months and will continue to be through to 2023. The ability to access wider information on property gives a level of transparency allowing users to take control of their current position in the UK residential market.” Roland Whyte, Nokkel CEO

Download our free app and Nokkel some properties today here.

Have a question?

Nokkel is always working on improvements, so if you have any feedback please contact us at



Author, London

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